Why I am a Unitarian Universalist
Unitarian => Unite => To bring together
Unitarian has the root “unite” meaning to bring together
- We bring people of diverse beliefs together.
Universalism => Universal => Shared by all
Universalism has the root “universal” meaning shared
- What holds us together despite our diverse beliefs are our shared values. *
We unite people with diverse beliefs around shared universal values.
I’ve come to realize that ceremony and being part of a like-minded group has a part to play in my being fully human, to help me to ‘do less harm and more good in the world’. That’s why I’ve become a Unitarian, in fact a Universalist Unitarian.
— Scott, Brisbane.
I am a UU because I am convinced I need other people who love what I love. I am a UU because I want to join hands with others to create a community where we grow spiritually, where we support one another, and where we work together to create a world in which everyone matters, everyone is free, everyone is respected, and everyone lives in peace. I am a UU because I have seen what love, understanding, and commitment can do. And finally, I am a UU because I am convinced that if we let the love in our hearts guide our ways, the possibilities before us are breathtaking.
—Rev. Peter Morales, UUA President
Unitarian Universalists have different beliefs while sharing a common faith. We know that life is holy, that each person is worthy and that, when we join together to plant the seeds of love, the world blossoms.
—Erik Resly
Unitarian Universalism is a religion of people who covenant to treat one another well, care for the earth, and protect the beautiful tapestry of cultures and communities that make up the people of the world. Love is the core value from which we build.
—Sunshine Jeremiah Wolfe
Because I am —
Free to decide my own beliefs and to change them if I choose
Free of creeds
Free to live this life fully instead of wishful thinking about a next one
Free to live a moral life because it is the right thing to do, not because of a reward or punishment
Free to enjoy the benefits of a safe community of others with similar feelings
Free to be agnostic
Free to admit “I don’t know” [ so I could be wrong about the above reasons ]
— Dick Skutt
* Thanks to Peter Bowden - The UU Tipping Point: Explaining Unitarian Universalism to the World