ANZUUA Conferences
ANZUUA hold a conference every 2 years in one of the cities in Australia or New Zealand or online if travel is not possible.
2023 Conference - in planning.
Previous conference themes have been:
2022 - Online - Planning for future and presentation on Climate Change by Prof Geoffrey Levermore, an IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change) lead author and co-Nobel Prize winner and member of a UK Unitarian Chapel
2021 - Online General Meeting
2019 (Springbrook QLD) Connecting and building our community
2017 (Adelaide AU) How Unitarianism flourishes and grows in Australasia
2015 (Melbourne AU) The Church and Social Justice
2013 (Auckland NZ) A Free and Responsible Search for Meaning
2011 (Brisbane AU) Standing on the Side of Justice and Compassion
2009 (Sydney AU) Think Truly, Speak Bravely, Act Justly
2007 (Perth AU) A Faith for the Third Millennium: a Unitarian Vision